Vineet Kumar
In a career span of 20+ years; founded NGO/NPOs, set up state government IT infrastructure & network, headed Jharkhand State Government agency on Cyber Defence, led various initiatives for the welfare, trained senior officials on cyber crime, security & investigations, taught at prestigious schools/universities, conducted speaker engagements globally at seminars/conferences/forums.
As CTO – Jharkhand Police, was actively involved in modernization of the state police, seting up the India’s first Government led research center, Cyber Defence Research Centre (CDRC), cyber cell & cyber wing for Jharkhand Police. Waged war on digital threats, implemented various cyber security initiatives, trained officers, worked for the protection of critical information infrastructure. Also worked for the modernization of the state police. Acted as Technical Advisor for Jharkhand State Cricket Association (JSCA) and Liaison Officer for Anti-Corruption & Security unit (ACSU) of International Cricket Council & BCCI.