Dr Yogesh Dadke
I believe, Technical education is necessity, behavioral education is mandatory, Integrity education is most critical.
APAC IT LEADER, Award winning IT Digital transformation, Smart manufacturer - innovation,
Technical champ who has ability to inspire the team, uplifts the winning trophy along with team and helps build competitive advantage
In last 23 years in IT arena, I have successfully directed almost every function in IT, including IT services – internal IT support, external IT support, Sales, Pre sales, software development, Design architecture, global infrastructure deployments, and information security, DR & BCP.
I have managed global teams in Fortune 100 companies, steering IT through a range of transformations including:
Software deployment projects delivery – For Fortune 50
IT Infrastructure modernization – for Fortune 50
Business restructuring and turnarounds
Digital innovations and consolidation
IOT, IIOT and smart factory manufacturing segmentation-based deployments.
Mergers, acquisitions, divest, spinoffs
I believe in high customer service, for IT its internal and external customers. Based on quick response, approach-based fix and understand, deliver value proposition to the business.