Mukta Chaitanya
Media professional. Having 20 years of vast and varied experience in the field of Content Writing and Communication.
I am a Free-lance journalist, Passionate writer, social media analyst, foodie and avid traveler.
Received the prestigious ‘Arun Sadhu Fellowship’ for the year 2019-2020. My research subject for the fellowship is “Use and effects of online gaming and Pornography: age group 8 to 18"
Worked with Lokmat for more than 10 yrs. And currently working for print, digital and audiovisual platforms as a freelance content provider, script editor and content editor.
Completed online course on Social Media called, ‘Why we post’, an anthropological study of Social Media from University College London. The course was designed by well-known Anthropologist Dr. Daniel Millar.
Worked as member, Maharashtra State Women Commission’s Cyber Crime Committee.
Founder member of Cyber Maitra, a Cyber psycho social and legal first aid center in Pune.